CAPS 2008 - 4th Intl Workshop on Context-Aware Proactive Systems

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             CAPS 2008
    4th International Workshop on
   Context-Aware Proactive Systems

        June 16th-17th 2008

  INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France

Important Dates

Submission of papers and posters:   January 25th, 2008
Submission of demo:                 February 8th, 2008
Notification of acceptance:         February 22nd, 2008
Camera ready due:                   March 14th, 2008
CAPS 2008 workshop:                 June 16th-17th, 2008

Topics of Interest

Proactive computing systems are connected to the physical world by
means of sensors and actuators which are used to both measure and 
manipulate the physical surroundings. Mobile and pervasive 
environments have turned out to be a promising application area for 
proactive systems, as environmental data is used to provide users 
with appropriate resources, information, and services. To achieve 
this, proactive systems need to be able to understand the different 
contexts that apply in and for any given user/communication 
Such context awareness poses many challenges, including the modeling
and represention of context, the design of scalable and secure
frameworks and architectures for context gathering and processing, or 
the efficient adaptation of distributed applications in dynamic 

CAPS invites submissions on the following topics (but not limited to):

* Context modeling and representation
* Tools and techniques for reasoning on context information
* Frameworks and architectures for scalable context-aware systems
* Experience with deploying context-aware applications in proactive
* Trust and privacy of context information in proactive systems
* Context learning and prediction techniques
* Context-aware reconfiguration of distributed applications
* Sensor and actuator management

Technical Program Committee

* Heikki Ailisto, VTT, Finland
* Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
* Guy Bernard, Institut National des Telecommunications, France
* David Bonnefoy, Motorola, France
* Klaus David, University of Kassel, Germany
* Frank Durr, University of Stuttgart, Germany
* Olaf Droegehorn, University of Kassel, Germany
* Heinz-Josef Eikerling, Siemens, Germany
* Stewart Fallis, BT, United Kingdom
* Patrik Floreen, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
  HIIT, Finland
* Sandra Haseloff, University of Kassel, Germany
* Laurent Herault, CEA-LETI, France
* Paul Havinga, University of Twente, Netherlands
* Heikki Helin, TeliaSonera, Finland
* Valerie Issarny, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
* Ralf Kernchen, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
* Herma van Kranenburg, Telematica, Netherlands
* Martti Mantyla, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
  HIIT, Finland
* Klaus Moessner, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
* Hassine Moungla, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
* Bernd Mrohs, CyberConsult GmbH, Germany
* Christian Prehofer, Nokia, Finland
* Fano Ramparany, Orange-FT, France
* Pierre-Guillaume Raverdy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
* Leetian Rong, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
* Francis Rousseaux, Université de Reims and IEEE France, France
* David Simplot-Ryl, Lille 1 University, France
* Vera Stavroulaki, University of Piraeus, Greece
* Dirk Westhoff, NEC, Germany
* Anna V. Zhdanova, ftw. Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien
  Betriebs GmbH, Austria

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2007 03:41:46 UTC