Tabulator Firefox Extension Alpha


Today I am pleased to announce an alpha release of the Tabulator Firefox

Based on code from the original Tabulator web application, the Tabulator
Extension integrates the ability to browse linked data directly into Firefox. 
After installing the extension, pages served as application/rdf+xml and text/n3
will be automatically loaded into a Tabulator outline view for easy browsing.  A
 single store contains all of the data found during a Firefox session, smushing
the data from all loaded documents together as you continue to browse.  
Queries can then be generated across the entire store in the same way as the
original Tabulator web application.

New in this version is the ability to directly edit files in real time through
the outline interface.  This feature is still largely in testing (it allows 
the user to enter values that should not be valid in many cases), but it is a
very powerful interface for quickly editing RDF.  A testing environment for 
editing has been set up at .

Since the Tabulator Extension is still in its early stages, we would appreciate
as much feedback as possible.  The issue tracker for the Tabulator project is 
located at .  Also, a page for more
general discussion has been created on the ESW Wiki at .  Finally, feel free to send
questions directly to the Tabulator team at .


James Hollenbach / The Tabulator Team

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2007 18:44:44 UTC