Re: How to assert equivalence of URIs ?

Andrea Splendiani a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> Is there a way to assert that two URIs are equivalent ?
> In owl, sameAs allows to specify the equivalence of two individuals, but
> when applied to classes this would make the ontology OWL-full.
> In any case I would like to assert that two URIs, no matter their
> meaning, are the same.
> Let's say I'm defining these URIs, and for "legacy" reason I have two
> different "spellings". How should I deal with this situation ?

if the URIs denote individual, use owl:sameAs
if the URIs denote classes, use owl:equivalentClass
if the URIs denote properties, use owl:equivalentProperty

if you are not sure about what they denote (either because one of them
denotes sometimes an individual and sometimes a class, or because both
do not denote the same kind of thing), then you are *already* in OWL-Full...

In OWL-DL (and Lite), the sets of classes, individuals and properties
are disjoint, so there should be no ambiguity.


> best,
> Andrea Splendiani

Received on Monday, 29 May 2006 16:50:30 UTC