RE: Semantic Web Languages

Well I don't object to URIs being used to uniquely identify web
resources. But I do object to insisting that URIs are used for
EVERYTHING, including words in a (programming) language. What is gained
by it? And what is lost? 
myuri:One myuri:might myuri:as myuri:well myuri:insist myuri:that
myuri:ordinary myuri:text myuri:uses myuri:URIs myuri:for myuri:every
myuri:word myurl:in myuri:English


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Henry Story
Sent: 31 March 2006 15:24
To: Jon Hanna
Subject: Re: Semantic Web Languages

On 31 Mar 2006, at 15:12, Jon Hanna wrote:
> wrote:
> > More generally, the obsession with
>> using XML and URIs for everything,
> I fail to see why using Uniform Resource Identifiers to identify  
> resources uniformly would count as an obsession. Sounds more like  
> "does what it says on the tin" to me.

+1000 for that and what Danny said in the previous post.


Received on Friday, 31 March 2006 15:03:50 UTC