Re: OWL Web Ontology Language

On 3/16/06, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:

> > How to express that a child has a preference for dogs rather than cats as a
> > pet?
> > - A given child is an individual with property "hasPetPreference".
> > - A dog or a cat is a class (we should allow for identifying an actual beast
> > as an individual having class dog or cat).

> All that said, there is an effort to extend OWL in a way that gives you a
> light-weight way to at least state a relationship between an individual and a
> class.  In this extension, OWL 1.1, class names can be also used as names of
> individuals,

Correct me if I'm wrong Peter, but isn't that already possible in OWL
Full? (Ok, I assume the way it's done in OWL 1.1 is more tractable,
but the question was only how to express the information).

There are other possibilities for modelling the scenario, a quick crack -

:Cat a owl:Class .
:Dog a owl:Class .

:CatPreferrer :prefers :Cat .
:DogPreferrer :prefers :Dog .

:CatPreferrer a owl:Class .
:DogPreferrer a owl:Class .

_:susan a :Child .
_:susan a :DogPreferer .

does that work? ok, how about asking what animal a child likes (not
sure of the collection capability/syntax in SPARQL) -

SELECT ?child, ?animal WHERE
?child a  ?preferrer  .
?preferrer owl:unionOf (:CatPreferrer :DogPreferrer);
              :prefers ?animal .

hmm, maybe...



Received on Thursday, 16 March 2006 20:21:52 UTC