ANN: SemWeb RDF Library in C# version 0.71


SemWeb v0.71
A Semantic Web/RDF Library for C#

Last June I posted an announcement for the first release of my C#
semantic web library.  The library has gotten a few new cool features
since then, so here's a new overview.

 * Simple API, platform independent
 * Reading and writing RDF/XML & Notation 3/Turtle/NTriples
 * SQL DB-backed persistent storage for MySQL, Sqlite, and PostgreSQL.
 * There is of course also a memory-backed store.
 * A remote SPARQL store is read-only storage backed by a remote
SPARQL-over-HTTP service.
 * Persistent storage supports an extended Select operation to query
many things at once (much faster than making individual calls to the
underlying database).
 * RDFS reasoning over any data store
 * Statements are quads. The fourth meta field can be used for
application-specific purposes, like storing provenance, grouping
statements, or storing N3 formulas.
 * SPARQL queries (based on Ryan Levering's Java library)
 * ASP.NET SPARQL Protocol handler (insanely easy to get going)
 * Experimental algorithms for finding MSGs and making graphs lean.

There's also a new Yahoo! Group for discussion about the library:

So let's do less talking and more application-creating!

- Joshua Tauberer

"Unfortunately, we're having this discussion. It's too bad,
because guess who listens to the discussion: the enemy."

Received on Saturday, 11 March 2006 21:03:34 UTC