Re: SPARQL and Web 2

On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 02:44:31AM +0100, Gareth Andrew wrote:
>      2. Performance: Even if the data is completely open, and the
>         economics doesn't come into play, performance is a major issue.
>         SPARQL queries are designed to be written by Semantic Web
>         engineers, much as SQL queries are designed to be written by
>         database engineers. As an example, consider the following query
>         PREFIX foaf: 
>         PREFIX dc: 
>         SELECT ?book
>         WHERE { ?book dc:creator ?who
>              ?who foaf:name "J. K. Rowling"
>         }
>         This query (if the WHERE clause is evaluated top to bottom) is
>         highly inefficient, it first searches for all triples with
>         property dc:creator, then filters those such that the
>         dc:creator's foaf:name is "J. K. Rowling". A much more efficient
>         query reverses the patterns in the WHERE clause. I believe
>         automated query rewriting is beyond state of the art at the
>         moment and will continue to be for the foreseeable future,
>         especially when you consider the technical challenge of throwing
>         inferencing into the mix, and the social challenge of open
>         access (eg. consider the query "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE
>         { ?s ?p ?o}").

This is absolutly not beyond the state of the art, you can simply use
tried and trusted relational optimisation techniques to determine that you
should evaluate the 2nd triple first, I know of at least 4 RDF engines
that do this, and I expect the vast majority do.

The open access issue is a little trickier, my engine uses a complexity
estimator to determine wether it should attempt to answer unauthenticated
queries or not, based on the ammount of i/o that will be requred.
Generally it is quite accurate, and it certainly catches wildcard queries.
that endpoint is RDQL, not SPARQL, but the same applies to the SPARQL verson.

- Steve

Received on Monday, 10 October 2005 12:56:33 UTC