Re: on confidential statements - Re: New Intro to RDF

Henry Story wrote:

> searchable. Furthermore
> the content of your mail has nothing that you could possibly claim as  
> owning, so
> the claim in your signature could be interpreted as possible theft as  
> you seem
> to be suggesting that you can take publicly knowable information and  place
> it in your private domain.

The more tempting analysis is that this is humor, somewhat like 
ridiculing UPS for claiming to have a trade mark on "the color brown" or 
Wilson Sporting Goods claimed "ownership" of "the letter 'W'"?

It's a ploy I use in asking about progress in RDF implementations vs. 
the continued talking *about* RDF. Primers are nice but we need usable 
examples - hence my WHEN?™ query, which is now several years old on 
these lists.


Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 13:29:21 UTC