Piggy Bank and road trips

Hi all,

I've been playing a bit with Piggy Bank [1] since it could technically 
qualify as my day job (more bluntly: I'm part of the SIMILE team).  The 
mapping feature inspired me to do some road trip planning, and I thought 
the process might be fun to share with the wider semantic web community.

I took my OS X Address Book data and made it into FOAF, querying Google 
Maps for geo coordinates.  I then used Piggy Bank's harvesting 
architecture to scrape Motel 6's site for their locations around the 
country, or enough of them for me to have a good idea of where I could 
stay each night in states in which I don't seem to know anybody.  A 
little bit more on the experience, and the resulting map:


Now, if only I had a car...

1. http://simile.mit.edu/piggy-bank/

Ryan Lee                 ryanlee@w3.org
W3C Research Engineer    +1.617.253.5327

Received on Thursday, 26 May 2005 16:26:29 UTC