Re: SemWeb Non-Starter -- Distributed URI Discovery

Stephen Rhoads wrote:
 > There needs to be a simple, straightforward solution to this problem.
 > Imagine a SemWeb-enabled phone or PDA; should that device be required
 > to follow rdfs:seeAlso links or spider a website in search of
 > information about a URI?

Either it's going to go to a well-known centralized server of RDF 
information (i.e. a semantic web Google), or it has to get some hints 
from the context.

There might be something in putting more hints into the context: When 
you publish RDF, your RDF should have enough information so that 
consumers can locate more information over the web about every resource 

<foaf:Person rdf:about="some_person">
   <foaf:Person rdf:about="some_other_person">
    <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="uri_of_authoratative_data_source"/>
    <foo:mentionedIn rdf:resource="uri_of_other_data_source"/>
<foo:DataSource rdf:about="uri_of_authoratative_data_source">
<foo:DataSource rdf:about="uri_of_other_data_source">

Basically just making seeAlso's richer by explicitly providing queryable 

- Joshua Tauberer

** Nothing Unreal Exists **

Received on Monday, 28 March 2005 22:49:19 UTC