Re: Style question

Kirkham, Pete (UK) wrote:

>I'd agree that view source is useful for html and document-based XML (both of which do not have to deal with globally unique nodes), but it's not relevent to RDF/XML, as the encoding is already broken as far as human readability is concerned. If you want human editable node docs, use XHTML and a style sheet to generate the RDF (or whatever format your chat-bot is working on); don't expect anyone who isn't an expert to be looking at your RDF sources. So it does just come down to your preference- reuse an existing mapping scheme or use your own name mangling to XML-ify the human readable names. If you make it obscure using a hash, then you won't get problems with users complaining they can't put in non-xml tagname characters.
>I think your user would rather do view source and get something like:
><... namespaces and schema reference
> <Person name="Becca" eyeColor="brown,green"
>   uuid="ed68d480-85b7-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66">
>   <owns xmi:type="Car" licensePlate="BEX" color="brown">
>     <aquiredThrough xmi:type="Purchase">
>	  <supplier href=""
>          uuid="ed68fb9b-85b7-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66"/>
>	  <cost xmi:type="Payment" amount="2000" currency="USD"/>
>     </aquiredThrough>
>   </owns>
> </Person>
>Than RDF/XML; if the people working on mapping XMI2->RDF get it done, then you wont even have to write the transform between the two yourself. (of course, there could be an RDF2 just like there was an XMI2 that removed the noise and half the bandwidth, but there doesn't seem anything like the take-up of RDF that there is of UML in production software to drive it).

this sounds to me very subjective (i know people that could read 
binary-on-the-wire directly and modify it in emacs ...)

is there a place where you can see multiple side-by-side examples how 
the same information (like this Person data above) is expressed in 
custom XML, RDF, OWL, N3, whanot

is there a research (papers?) that used some kind of assessment of 
readability of XML/HTML/RDF/... based on large enough sample of 



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Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 21:57:56 UTC