Announcing nanocontext framework

Hi everyone
 I am happy to announce nanocontext, a inter-disciplinary framework that 
mimics the human mechanism of building, using and sharing "context" and 
carrying it forward to authored content. Basically it is a framework where 
existing information content is progressively and contextually 
"deconstructed" or broken down into the things that they represent, down to 
the smallest level within the content. The core engine easily extends to 
media content as well. Eventually the framework creates a "hypercontextual 
semantic web" where the boundaries between text and media content dissolve 
and one can contextually navigate across parts of text and media content, 
correlate content across resources, perform contextual search and extraction 
and much more.
 This work was started in 1999, a hybrid inspired by topic maps/XTM and few 
other semantic web initiatives and my work on modeling the human context 
mechanism. Over the last 5 years, it has developed into an 
inter-disciplinary framework which draws on diverse knowledge from 
human-system interaction, knowledge models, interaction design, concept maps 
and umpteen other areas. Looking forward for some exchange with the semantic 
web community for this and similar initiatives.
 A brief about the technology can be found at
A demo (static) of the contextual capabilities can be seen at

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2005 00:01:24 UTC