Re: Combined Inverse Functional Properties

> > It seems to me that:
> > 
> > what CIFP means is very close to that intersectionOf(r1, r2, ..., rn) is a reverse functional property.
> > 
> [snip]
> Except that it is not so clear what the domain (i.e. "outcome")  of :cifp is. 

> It seems to me that the "combined inversefunctional property" is not a
> primitive notion. It seems more natural and general to have a notion
> of productProperty (or combined property) which can in particular  be
> inverse functional. Thus I would replace  the last sentence by :
> :p :productProperty (:r1:r2).
> :p a owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.
> :productProperty should model a list of simulaneous properties, and it
> seems easiest if it takes values in a list. To be of any use as an
> inverse functional property we have to assume that two lists are
> owl:sameAs if their entries are owl:sameAs and have the same order,
> just as Yuzhong Qu seems to suggest.
However, intersectionOf(r1, r2, ..., rn) is a relation on the domain, while productPropertyOf(r1, r2, ..., rn) is a relation on the product of (Domain, ..., Domain) [Note that it leads to the ordered list issue]. 

And some DLs do support the role constructor "intersectionOf". 


Of couese, your scheme is also sound, at least seems to me.

Yuzhong Qu

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2005 03:18:36 UTC