Technical discussion of 6 October 2016

[Extract from the minutes of today’s call]

> 8. Spec bugs

> 29732 [xslt30] Streamable stylesheet functions: shallow-descent example
>          No link in Appendix L. - People to review - come back to next week.

No one reported any objections to the proposal in comment 1 of 29732.
ABr confirms that he has read it and found it fine.

DECIDED: Bug 29732 can be closed, accepting the proposal in comment 1.

> 29752  [XSLT30]two accumulator examples using count(tokenize(., '\s+'))
> respectively count(tokenize(., '\W+')) to count words give odd results
>         Close bug with WG approval of MKs answer to M. Honnen.

Bug has been closed and can be removed from agenda.

> 29790 [xslt30] Sample stylesheet for xml-to-json conversion uses a reserved
> namespace
>       Reclassified as editorial - Bug left open until the revised
> version is tested.

MK reported that he has been working on this today; the example
stylesheet is basically working but MK has run into a few
complications which make him not yet willing to close bug 29790.

Both xml-to-json() and the stylesheet are supposed to be streamable,
but since the output is supposed to be a single string it may be hard
to stream in practice. The streamability of the function may be

> 29813 - close bug

> 29814 [xslt30] Use of XPath comments
>   Discussed and accepted and applied - close bug.

> 29818 [xslt30] Visibility and Applicability of Accumulators -
>    Substantive - to be discussed.

MK described the problem.  Other members of the WG had some 
difficulty grasping all the details.

ABr suggested an alternative approach to the problem: make all
accumulator names global. The user would be responsible for avoiding
collisions, but it radically simplifies the mapping from names to

ACTION 2016-10-06-003: ABr to contribute to bug 29818 his proposal for
globalization of all accumulator names. ETA 13 October.

SCA concluded that we need more time on this. We will take this up
first thing next week.

At this point, the time allocated for the meeting had expired, and we
adjourned at five minutes past the hour.

> 29819 [XSLT30] (editorial) Core functions
>       People were asked to review G.1 (when the draft containing that
>    text becomes available).

> 29827 [XSLT 3.0] Error XTDE0045 revisited

> 29880 [XSLT30] package-version - limits

> 29887 [XSLT30] Assertion on attributes of xsl:for-each-group is too strict,
> does not take shadow attribs into account         Thu 22:12

> 29889 [xslt30] Add clarifications on stylesheet invocation options
>       Is further discussion needed?

> 9. Testing

> RelaxNG validation test case

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Thursday, 6 October 2016 17:13:19 UTC