ACTION-2016-06-16-001: ABr to come up with instructions on how to run tests with Exselt

This was still pending and I forgot, apologies.

I've created a version of Exselt that can solely be used to run tests. The executable is texelt.exe (for Test-Exselt). It can W3C XT3 format tests. There's one caveat: if the catalog.xml is changed it requires a rebuild (it was too big a change to include that, but I'm looking into lazy loading). However, any of the test catalogs in underlying directories can be augmented with new tests and they can be run.

The commandline arguments are currently as follows:

-t or --tests takes a string that is a short name of a test (for instance, "as-0801b"). It matches partial names as well and can take a regular expression if put in-between "m/regex/", where regex takes any .NET regex (similar syntax to XPath regexes). It will run all matching tests. To run a whole category, use dots around it, i.e., ".expandtext." will run all expand-text tests. Dashes in categories should be removed. Dashes in test case names are retained.

-ll or --log-level takes an integer 0, 1, 2 that defines the log-level

-wd or --working-directory takes the directory where the tests are located, should point to the location of catalog.xml.

-h or --help will print help


Runs the test "cvt037c"
texelt --tests cvt037c

Runs the tests starting with "cvt03"
texelt --tests "m/cvt03.*/"

Runs all the tests with "mode" in the name
texelt --tests mode

Runs all the tests in category "Attr" 
texelt --tests .attr.

Runs all the tests in subcategory "match" 
texelt --tests .match.

After running the tests, a summary is shown. For each test there's also a report. After an exception, the next text will still be run.

I will follow-up with download locations on the private list (both MacOs and Windows versions). If anybody outside the list wants to use this version of Exselt, they can reach me at this email address, or via


Received on Thursday, 23 June 2016 15:59:38 UTC