Fwd: some notes from XML Prague XSLT interop session

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> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Liam R. E. Quin" <liam@w3.org>
> Subject: some notes from XML Prague XSLT interop session
> Date: 13 February 2016 14:25:40 GMT
> To: Public Joint XSLT XQuery XPath <public-xsl-query@w3.org>
> Resent-From: public-xsl-query@w3.org
> Notes primarily for Mike and Abel; I think only one item (the first)
> might affect the spec itself.
> Liam
> HTML version (raw): http://www.w3.org/2016/02/13-xsl-minutes.html
> <liam> Topic: XSL Workshop at XML Prague
> <liam> https://github.com/Saxonica/Prague2016
> <liam> possible problem, omit-xml-declaration = true|false, vs yes|no
> <liam> question asked about text values in value templates as opposed
> to copy semantics
> <liam> Q from Nic Gibson, with an equivalent to the separator attribute
> of xsl:value-of when using templates, and the answer is no, just a
> space
> <liam> Abel suggest creativity - you can use value-of with a value
> template inside, but this turns out not to work
> <liam> <xsl:value-of separaor="||">{$n, current-time()}</xsl:value-of>
> doesn't work because the braces make a singel text node, not a sequnce
> <liam> Abel tries item-separator on xsl-output; works for him but not
> for Saxon
> <liam> Abel demonstrates different timestamps and shows they're...
> dfferent... but not necessarily as expected!
> <liam> Topic: streaming
> <liam> if Saxon fails to detect that something isn't streamable, it can
> fail at runtime with a null pointer exception
> <liam> [Mike and Abel conclude their products both have bugs, and
> presumably make notes accordingly]
> <liam> Topic: packaging
> <liam> [problems with circular packaging]

Received on Saturday, 13 February 2016 14:36:45 UTC