ACTION 2016-11-17-003 - apply-templates invocation

>ACTION 2016-11-17-003: MK to implement the proposal in ABr's email [1]
>and ensure that it resolves bugs 19827 and 29889, or push back if he
>encounters problems. ETA 1 December 2016.
>[1] <>

This was done and the changes are present in the draft posted earlier today.

I have also added to xsl:expose the sentence

An <elcode>xsl:expose</elcode> declaration has no effect on the 
 <termref def="dt-unnamed-mode"/>, which is always private to a package.

which I think is an uncontroversial statement though one can argue that it is already obvious.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 7 December 2016 22:03:22 UTC