Re: Streamable schema-aware processing

> In response to the discussion today, I propose to add the following
> paragraphs at the end of section 2.10.
> ...
> XSD is designed so that the type annotation of an element can be decided
> as soon as the start tag of the element is encountered. At this point it
> is known that the element will either be of a certain type, or it will be
> invalid. If it turns out to be invalid, then this can always be
> established by the time the element’s end tag is encountered. To ensure
> that the XSLT processor never sees invalid data, it is necessary that the
> schema processor should detect validity errors as early as possible.

This formulation worries me a little, solely because both the 1.0
of the PSVI and the rules for making an XDM instance from a PSVI specify
that if an element is invalid against its assigned type, it has no type
in the PSVI / XDM instance.  When being pedantic, therefore, one cannot say
that the type annotation is determined at the start-tag, only that at the
start-tag we can say which type annotation the element will have, if it has
any type annotation at all.

Unfortunately, I am supposed to be paying attention in a meeting (people
I am energetically taking notes right now) and I do not have the calm or
needed to suggest a simple change to the wording.

Received on Thursday, 8 October 2015 21:11:06 UTC