RE: ACTION: 2015-12-03-002 - bug 29146 - fn:transform options

I just checked the bug entry, but shouldn't this comment be there as well? Or referenced?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Kay []
> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:06 PM
> To: Public XSLWG
> Cc: Debbie
> Subject: ACTION: 2015-12-03-002 - bug 29146 - fn:transform options
> >
> > ACTION: 2015-12-03-002: Mike Kay to respond to the comments made in
> >         comments 4-7 in bug 29146.
> >
> DL comments:
> 1. Don't forget to update the required type of package-version from
> xs:decimal to xs:string, with default "*".
> Done.
> 2. I think initial-mode should be removed from the lists 2.d and 3.d, as I
> believe it is only relevant for apply-templates invocation (but correct me if
> I'm wrong).
> Correct, done.
> 3. In 3.c.ii. (the call-template invocation under XSLT 3.0) I think initial-
> template should also be optional (not mandatory), with default "xls:initial-
> template".
> My first reaction was to make initial-template optional, and add the rule:
> If none of initial-template, initial-mode, initial-match-selection, or initial-
> function is present, then call-template invocation is used with the initial
> template  name defaulted toxsl:initial-template.
> However, this is incompatible with the rule for 1.0 and 2.0 invocation, where
> transform( map{ 'stylesheet-location': 'test.xsl', 'source-node': $input } )
> causes apply-templates invocation. Since this is the simplest and most
> traditional way of invoking a transformation, I think this combination should
> continue to be treated as apply-templates invocation. So I have instead
> made the rule
> The manner of invocation is determined as follows:
> (a) if initial-function is present, then call-function invocation
> (b) if initial-template is present, then call-template invocation
> (c) if initial-match-selection or source-node is present, then apply-templates
> invocation
> (d) if none of the above is present, then call-template invocation using the
> template name xsl:initial-template.
> If none of initial-template, initial-mode, initial-match-selection, or initial-
> function is present, then call-template invocation is used with the initial
> template  name defaulted to xsl:initial-template.
> ABr comments:
> 1) What happens when "serialization" is chosen for the result and the
> serialized tree cannot be represented by the calling execution environment,
> for instance because XML 1.1 is serialized, JSON is chosen in xsl:output and
> contains values not representable directly as an xs:string, or an
> implementation-defined type is serialized (jpg, other).
> I note that there is no corresponding error for fn:serialize(). I don't think it
> can happen. I don't think any of the serialization methods can generate a
> character that's not present in the value being serialized, other than simple
> ASCII markup characters.
> 2) Should we allow users to specify additional stylesheets, i.e. for the ones
> referenced in by xsl:import? If the stylesheet as a whole is generated
> dynamically, the base-stylesheet-uri option will not be sufficient.
> I think we should not attempt to do this. Too complex.
> 3) Can we predefine names for other options of the dynamic and static
> context, i.e. timezone, date, collation, collection? Currently these would go
> into vendor-options, but standardizing these as key names for the map will
> make implementation-independent calls easier, even if such parts of the
> context are not supported (which could be an error, a default, or ignored).
> The transformation APIs in common use do not provide the ability to set
> most of these things externally. I think we can live without this.
> 4) It would be nice if there's some way to distinguish the phase of the
> returned result in error scenarios. I.e., a dynamic error in a use-when
> expression (static compilation phase) should be distinguishable from a
> dynamic error during evaluation or priming. But I'm not sure how this could
> be made workable.
> File this under "nice to have".
> 5) I'm slightly ambivalent about "stylesheet-location", since it is technically
> not a location.
> The obvious alternative is stylesheet-uri, but then we have to go for
> package-uri, and it becomes unclear whether we are talking about the
> package name or the package location. So I prefer what we've got. Also
> remember we're dealing with an existing spec that's at CR status, so non-
> editorial changes need a very strong justification.
> 6) Under 2.d, "initial-mode" is repeated (it is already under 2.c)
> Fixed.
> 7) the entry for "source-node" is under-defined. For XSLT 1.0 it must be a
> document node, for XSLT 2.0, it can be any node. The second part of this
> sentence refers only to XSLT 3.0, but this is not specified.
> The XSLT 1.0 spec doesn't say that it must be a document node; it's easy to
> read the spec as assuming this, but there are 1.0 processors that don't
> impose this constraint and the spec seems to permit this. In particular, it's
> common practice under JAXP to supply a DOMSource that wraps the
> document element rather than the document node (and people are often
> surprised that this doesn't invoke the match="/" template rule).
> I changed the explanation to read:
> When <code>source-node</code> is supplied then the <code>global-
> context-item</code> (the context item
>                      for evaluating global variables) is the root of the tree containing
> the supplied node. In addition,
>                      for apply-templates invocation, the <code>source-node</code>
> acts as the <code>initial-match-selection</code>,
>                      that is, stylesheet execution starts by applying templates to this
> node.
> 7a) the type for "source-node" can be "node()?", XSLT 2.0 (not sure about
> 1.0) allows it to be empty.
> I think we should keep it as node(). If you don't want to supply a node, don't
> supply this option. Otherwise we have to consider whether empty means
> the same as absent, and it all gets more complicated.
> 8) typo "Theese" --> "These" (under serialization-params).
> Fixed.
> 9) Serialization params requires a QName as key, should we specify that the
> xsl:output params exist in no namespace?
> I have added that standard serialization params such as "method" and
> "indent" are supplied as QNames in no namespace.
> 10) If "saved" is the delivery format, is it an error if the document cannot be
> saved?
> I have added FOXT0005 for this.
> 11) On the same token, the transformation may succeed, but errors may be
> raised after the transformation (i.e., saving the result). In such cases it may
> be beneficial to have a result set *and* the reported errors (as opposed to
> just blowing up).
> I think we should stick to the general rule here: errors are fatal; though after
> a fatal error the state of filestore is undefined.
> 12) XSLT 3.0 defaults to "xsl:initial-template" if not initial match selection or
> template is provided (i.e., with call-template invocation). I think this should
> be reflected by the options by allowing this as default if "initial-template" is
> not provided and no "source-node" or "initial-match-selection" is given.
> Discussed above under Debbie's comments.
> 13) Is "function-params" required? With an initial function that takes no
> params, this could be optional, right?
> We use the size of the function-params value to decide the arity, so I think it
> should be required. We could interpret an absent value as an empty
> sequence, but I think there's no harm asking the user to be explicit.
> 14) XSLT 3.0 with packages, it looks as if "package-version" is only allowed
> with "package-name". Is that intentional?
> Yes. I guess in the other cases we could still verify that the actual package
> version matches the requested version, but the version plays no role in
> finding the package so I don't think it's much use.
> 15) XSLT 3.0: delivery format should probably not default to "document",
> since "raw" can be selected in xsl:output and otherwise that default won't
> work.
> OK. Changing it to say "The default is document, unless the relevant
> xsl:output or xsl:result-document element specifies build-tree=no (applies to
> XSLT 3.0 only), in which case the default is raw".
> 16) XSLT 3.0: "static-params" is not mentioned as allowed optional entry
> Fixed.
> 17) Determinism: I think fn:transform will by definition be non-deterministic
> with XSLT 3.0 and streaming. Though this is not possible with nodes in maps,
> it can be achieved with xsl:stream.
> Agreed, and not only for streaming. We've said that it's imp-def whether the
> transform runs in the same execution scope; if it's a different execution
> scope then current-dateTime() can give different results. I've explained this.
> 18) Talking of streaming, perhaps we should mention this in the notes
> starting with "Where nodes are passed to or from the transformation"
> I tried adding something along these lines, but it didn't seem to be saying
> anything very useful, so I scrunched it.
> 19) Currently, only an available node can be passed to the fn:transform
> function, I assume this is deliberate? If not, can we add "source-location" to
> the mix?
> I think we have enough options available. You can call the transform with
> map{ 'source-node': doc('xyz.xml') } and that seems good enough to satisfy
> the use case.
> 20) A further improvement in the text structure could be to write it up such:
> 1. For invocation of an XSLT 1.0 processor, the supplied options must include
> all of the following and nothing else:
>   a. A version of 1.0, by setting xslt-version to 1.0
>   b. A source item, by setting source-node to a document node
>   c. A stylesheet, by setting one of the following: [...]
>   d. Other options, by providing zero or more of the following [...]
> The idea being: naming each of a, b, c, d makes it a bit clearer, at least to me,
> what *must* be provided and what these things are.
> OK, done.
> PS: about determinism, if we want fn:transform to behave deterministic, we
> probably should say specifically what happens when repeated calls to
> fn:transffm are made with the same arguments, but with xsl:stream /
> xsl:merge etc inside the stylesheet.
> Likewise, we may need to say something if the global-context-item must be
> streamed, or the initial-match-selection must be streamed. Not an issue per
> se (if a supplied node is not streamed, a streaming transformation will
> succeed normally), but worth mentioning, I think.
> I've added a bit on this.
> 21) base-output-uri: is optional, but we do not say what it defaults to. It
> makes sense to default it to stylesheet-base-uri, which is common with
> commandline processors dealing with relative uris in xsl:result-document.
> That would cause the primary output to overwrite the stylesheet, wouldn't
> it? I think the default is "absent", and it's then up to the XSLT spec to say
> what happens when the base output URI is absent. I've added:
> The effect of not supplying a base output URI is defined by the XSLT
> specification; the implementation
>                      <rfc2119>may</rfc2119> supply a default, for example the
> directory containing the stylesheet, or the
>                      current working directory.
> 22) stylesheet-base-uri, I thought/hoped we would make this relative. There
> can be situations where the stylesheet path is not known, but library
> stylesheets are located relative to the current stylesheet, i.e. "../imports".
> Yes, I think both stylesheet-base-uri and base-output-uri should be relative
> to the static base URI of the fn:transform call.
> 23) initial-mode: we should perhaps mention it defaults to #unnamed if
> absent.
> Done.
> I will endeavour to upload an updated spec before this afternoon's meeting.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Received on Thursday, 10 December 2015 17:27:39 UTC