Report on MHK Actions

> % ACTION A-667-001 - Mike to fix Bug 30069 editorially.


> ACTION A-662-04: MikeKay to investigate bug 29932
> Status: Pending; ETA 2017-03-07

Done. I have fine-tuned the stylesheet used to generate the fo-spec-examples tests, and have regenerated the tests.

> ACTION A-663-02: MK to respond to original commentor (Thomas Fischer)
> w.r.t. our decision on bug 30025 "[F+O3.1] array:join() - misleading
> name" (WORKSFORME).


> ACTION A-663-03: MK to respond to original commentor w.r.t. our
> decision on bug 30024 "[F+O 3.1] Is map:entry superfluous?" (FIXED).


> ACTION A-663-04: MK to address test suite bug 30023 [qt3ts]
> fn-transform-err-9a (which he may already have fixed).

Overtaken by events; we decided to remove this test from the test suite.

> ACTION-666-01 - Mike to update the namespace document as described in bug
> 30055.


> ACTION-666-03 - Mike to address editorial bugs 30055, 30053, 30052
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.



Michael Kay

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2017 15:29:28 UTC