Re: Discussion of op:same-key

> I propose that op:same-key be changed such that for numeric $k1 and $k2, true is returned only if
> 1. $k1 and $k2 are both subtypes of xs:double
> 2. $k1 and $k2 are both subtypes of xs:float
> 3. $k1 and $k2 are both subtypes of xs:decimal/xs:integer

I think it's better to live with some implementation differences in edge cases than to lose the equivalence of doubles to integers.


let $a := <a size="3"/>

let $m := map{ $a/@size+1, $a }

people expect $m(4) to return the <a> element. We don't want them to have to start thinking about the fact that @size+1 is actually an xs:double rather than an integer.

Michael Kay

Received on Thursday, 2 June 2016 10:32:35 UTC