"If F is a partially applied function ..."

The proposed wording in says:
      If F is a partially applied function, the implementation of F is
      called, supplying the value of each fixed position as the argument
      of the corresponding parameter.

"the implementation of F is called":
This phrase raises the question of what it means to call the implementation 
of a function. Of course, if the implementation is implementation-dependent, 
we can't say. But if it isn't, we can, and should, but I don't believe this 
text does so.

"supplying the value of each fixed position as the argument of the 
corresponding parameter."
First, fixed positions are a property of a partial function application 
(i.e., a hunk of syntax), not of a partially applied function. When it comes 
time to invoke the PAF, fixed positions don't exist.

Second, supplying a value for each fixed position is exactly what the PFA 
did when it created the PAF. When you invoke the PAF, you instead supply 
values for its parameters.


Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2016 07:25:08 UTC