Completed: ACTION A-639-04

Completed the following and committed to cvs:

ACTION A-639-04: O'Neil to remove tests that are not XQuery 3.1 
features from the XQuery 3.1 test suite 

Please see: <>

New feature added: Clicking or hovering over any test case now shows the dependency details specific to that test case.

There are still some tests that show up in red as 'passed by no implementations’. This is because they have the dependency static typing. It would be nice if the implementations that support static typing could submit results for these test cases.

Also there are some recent test cases added to the test suite which are newer than the results files submitted by our implementations. These are also flagged up in reports as red with the message  'pass by no implementations’. For example under the 'map-constructor’ test set there are a number of new tests case: MapConstructor-001 through to MapConstructor-026 that have no results against them due to them being new. 

It might be a good idea to ask implementers to resubmit there results or we could at this stage version the test suite.

kind regards,


Received on Friday, 15 April 2016 13:31:38 UTC