EnclosedExpr in constructors

For constructors, the introductory text now introduces enclosed expressions and content expressions:

Constructors are provided for element, attribute, document, text, comment, and processing instruction nodes. Two kinds of constructors are provided: direct constructors, which use an XML-like notation that can incorporate enclosed expressions, and computed constructors, which use a notation based on enclosed expressions. [Definition: An enclosed expression is an instance of the EnclosedExpr production, which allows an optional expression within curly braces.] [Definition: In an enclosed expression, the optional expression enclosed in curly braces is called the content expression.] If the content expression is omitted, the value of the content expression is ().

Up to now, content expressions only lived in node constructors, but it would be handy to simply use these definitions in other places where EnclosedExpr can occur, otherwise managing the vocabulary is a little more fiddly.  Would this be a reasonable thing to do?


Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 16:06:01 UTC