Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 17 October 2006

minutes from yesterday's telcon are now available:


and are copied below for Tracker's searching.

Thanks to George for scribing!


                         Databinding WG Teleconference
                                  10 Oct 2006


   See also: IRC log


          Jon Calladine (BT)
          George Cowe (Origo Services Limited)
          Paul Downey (BT)
          Otu Ekanem (BT)
          Yves Lafon (W3C)
          Priscilla Walmsley (W3C Invited Expert)
          Vladislav Bezrukov (SAP AG)




     * Topics
         1. Administrivia
         2. Status of Deliverables
         3. ISSUE-2 Test Suite
         4. ISSUE-12 Identifying a conformant schema
         5. ISSUE-49 is anySimpleType a Basic Patterns type?
         6. ISSUE-68 xs:import of Schema 1.0 namespace
         7. ISSUE-71 Relationship with WS-I Basic Profile
         8. ISSUE-57 xs:include pattern
         9. ISSUE-70 empty Enumeration as a Null Datatype
        10. ISSUE-72 Relationship to XPath 2.0
     * Summary of Action Items


   minutes from 19th September approved

   pauld: WG welcomes Vladislav who made an excellent contribution early
   on raising ISSUE-1 (as an observer) and now joins the WG

   <vlad> thanks, Paul

   pauld: we need to think if we need another F2F meeting, and Yves is
   going to progress thinking around an interop event.

   pauld: as we run out of Issues for the Basic patterns document, I
   expect to start building agendas around tracking actions, so watch out

Status of Deliverables

   pauld: did a bunch of editing last night, please review the
   Introduction and Status sections of the Basic patterns document

   pauld: ACTION-74 and ACTION-73 are done, I generated an XRef HTML
   page, just need to commit it

   george: been working on ensuring we have patterns for issues and
   examples for patterns. ACTION-77 is ongoing.

   george: we've a lot of patterns and examples identified using ISSUE-30

   <pauld:> been editing patterns.xml and examples.xml, we can do a merge
   when we meet next week

   <scribe> ACTION: pdowney to possibly raise issue to hold datatypes
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-81 - Possibly raise issue to hold datatypes
   [on Paul Downey - due 2006-10-17].

   pauld: we've a bunch of patterns in our spec without examples,
   especially our attribute patterns

ISSUE-2 Test Suite

   pauld: will create a test suite page tomorrow with the log file format


ISSUE-12 Identifying a conformant schema

   no news here ..

ISSUE-49 is anySimpleType a Basic Patterns type?

   priscilla: anyType is actually the default type

   <scribe> ACTION: pwalmsle to investigate use of anySimpleType
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-82 - Investigate use of anySimpleType [on
   Priscilla Walmsley - due 2006-10-17].

ISSUE-68 xs:import of Schema 1.0 namespace

   priscilla: still unclear on it's utility

   pauld: unclear exactly which schemas use it

   priscilla: maybe you want the schema for schemas to validate

   pauld: discounting the import makes us composable with the WS-I Basic
   Profile but may rule out some vertical standard schemas.

   pauld: let's wait and see if the WS-I BP has anything to say

ISSUE-71 Relationship with WS-I Basic Profile

   yves: ok to cite non-normatively

   pauld: how do we cite it in such as a way so they can use us rather
   than can use them

   vladislav: I know the WS-I constrain xsd:import, what other features
   are an issue?

   pauld: document encoding must be UTF-8/UTF-16

   george: we had an issue with multiple schemas for the same namespace

   <Yves> "If you plan to use this specification in the context of BP1.0
   the following extra restrictions apply: (and here a list of the
   restriction imposed by BP).

   <Yves> that in a specific non-normative paragraph

   RESOLUTION: close ISSUE-71 with Yves proposed non-normative section

ISSUE-57 xs:include pattern

   <scribe> ACTION: gcowe to look at standalone schemas for ISSUE-57 etc
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-83 - Look at standalone schemas for ISSUE-57
   etc [on George Cowe - due 2006-10-17].

ISSUE-70 empty Enumeration as a Null Datatype

   pauld one of a number of Basic patterns we have for representing "no
   hands clapping"

   vladislav can look at these with our implementation

ISSUE-72 Relationship to XPath 2.0

   yves: we may be able to go to Rec with XPath in CR. A lot depends upon
   the number of implementations available

   pauld: alternatively we could write a profile of XPath 2.0 in our
   notational conventions

   yves: we could stte we use it as a notational convention, but you
   don't actually need XPath 2.0 to conform to our spec

   priscilla: XPath 2.0 is a subset of XQuery, so lots of tools

   RESOLUTION: close ISSUE-72 with Yves proposal to clarify our
   relationship with XPath 2.0

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: gcowe to look at standalone schemas for ISSUE-57 etc
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: pdowney to possibly raise issue to hold datatypes
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: pwalmsle to investigate use of anySimpleType [recorded
   in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/10-databinding-minutes.html#action02]

   [End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2006 09:33:10 UTC