NEW ISSUE: Using PSVI Features in Schemas

* Title:          Using PSVI Features in Schemas
* Description:    see below
* Target:         "Basic"?
* Proposal:       Explicitly identify these features and specify usage

                  Advise developers to not assume callers have rich PSVI

Most toolkits contain schema validation tools that by now have excellent
compliance with the XML Schema specification.  XML Schema validation
tools take an Infoset and XML schema set as input and emits a
post-schema-validated-Infoset (PSVI).  The problem is that type
generators and/or serializers do not actually use proper schema
validation mechanisms.  Instead, type generators/serializers emulate
selected XML Schema features - like xs:default - meant to be managed by
the validation process.

There are several issues I think this working group should consider:
First, is it even wise for a service description to contain use PSVI
features in response messages?  In the case of xs:default, it seems
impolite to return elements with empty content to expect the caller to
fulfill the default value requirements.  Second, are there other XML
Schema features that are meant to impact the PSVI?  Perhaps this working
group should list such features and describe how type
serializers/generators should emulate the intent of the Schema spec.
Finally, should the working group tell developers to avoid Schema
features that presume the caller has a schema validation capability?

Erik Johnson

Epicor Software Corp.

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 15:14:13 UTC