xqts -Schema Import without location hint

Following test case: 
   (: Name: predicates-1:)
    (: Description: Evaluation of a simple predicate with a "true" value (uses "fn:true").:)
    (: insert-start :)
    import schema namespace atomic="http://www.w3.org/XQueryTest";
    declare variable $input-context1 external;
    (: insert-end :)


The transform does not provide a name for the imported schema. In the test catalogue I failed to find a further description of where to look. - In this case it should be a    [err:XQST0059] if the implementation is not able to process a schema import by finding a valid schema with the specified target namespace."

I suspect that I have missed an essential piece of information about where to look for schemas - can someone help me out? 

... Margaret A. Grün-Kerr
... Quality Assurance Engineer
... Altova GmbH

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Received on Monday, 17 July 2006 12:14:31 UTC