RE: XQTS - Test externalcontextitem-1.xq, nodename selection on an undefined context same as on empty sequence

Frans -
You are right, but I am afraid it does not answer my question, I will try to rephrase it:
Should a node name test on an undefined context return differently than a nodename test on a empty sequence?
The correct result for  a nodename selection on a function returning the empty sequence is the empty sequence (the context size is not greater than zero)
 noResult()/nodeName==>empty sequence

>From reading the spec. is it not acceptable for  a nodename selection on an undefined context to return the empty sequence also?

... Margaret A. Grün-Kerr
... Quality Assurance Engineer
... Altova GmbH

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-----Original Message-----
From: Frans Englich [] 
Sent: August 22, 2006 13:01
To: Margaret Grün-Kerr (QA)
Subject: Re: XQTS - Test externalcontextitem-1.xq, nodename selection on an undefined context same as on empty sequence

On Tuesday 22 August 2006 09:25, Margaret Gruen-Kerr wrote:

Hello Margaret,

> The test externalcontextitem-1.xq performs a nodename selection with no
> context item. The reference result is the error XPDY0002. I couldn't find a
> clear answer in the spec why  a node selection on an empty sequence (which
> implies no context item) return the empty seq. and the node selection with
> no context item returns an error. It's clear why functions that try to
> access the context item, report an error when there is no context item,
> however not when a nodename selection is performed.

Inside user functions the focus is undefined. See 3.1.5 Function Calls step 4:

During evaluation of a function body, the focus (context item, context 
position, and context size) is undefined, except where it is defined by some 
expression inside the function body.

I hope I am correct and that it helps.



Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2006 12:19:43 UTC