Call for Consensus: Publish updated XML Signature 2.0 Note to reference XML Signature 2.0 schema; please respond by 15 July 2015

This is a Call for Consensus to update XML Signature 2.0 Note ( <> ) by publishing an updated Note as follows

1. Change section 13.1 (XSD Schema) to add XML Signature 2.0 Schema instance and clarify that XML Signature 11 schema is for 1.1 in the text.

Updated text is  the following
13.1 XSD Schema

XML Signature Core Schema Instance
xmldsig-core-schema.xsd <>
Valid XML schema instance based on [XMLSCHEMA-1 <file:///Users/fjh/Builds/W3C/xmlsec2/Drafts/xmldsig-core-20/2013-04-11-NOTE/Overview.src.html#bib-XMLSCHEMA-1>][XMLSCHEMA-2 <file:///Users/fjh/Builds/W3C/xmlsec2/Drafts/xmldsig-core-20/2013-04-11-NOTE/Overview.src.html#bib-XMLSCHEMA-2>].
XML Signature 1.1 Schema Instance
xmldsig11-schema.xsd <>
This schema document defines the additional elements defined in the 1.1 version of the XML Signature specification.
XML Signature 1.1 Schema Driver
xmldsig1-schema.xsd <>
This schema instance binds together the XML Signature Core Schema Instance and the XML Signature 1.1 Schema Instance
XML Signature 2.0 Schema Instance
xmldsig2-schema.xsd <file:///Users/fjh/Builds/W3C/xmlsec2/Drafts/xmldsig-core-20/2013-04-11-NOTE/xmldsig2-schema.xsd>
This schema document defines the additional elements defined in this version of the XML Signature specification.
2. change the status section to add :

This Note has been updated to include a reference to the XML Signature 2.0 schema in the XSD Schema section.

3. Update diff

In addition, in conjunction with publication,  upload xmldsig2-schema.xsd to publication space (attached)

Please review and note any additional corrections.

Please respond to this CfC on the public list by 15 July 2015 (3 weeks) indicating support (a +1 will do) or any concern. Please suggest any required wording changes if needed.

Although silence will be taken as agreement, given that this group is inactive a positive response is greatly preferred. 


Frederick Hirsch
Chair, W3C XML Security WG

Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 21:41:11 UTC