Potential issues in XML Schema files pointed out from XML Sig v1.1?

Dear all,

When looking at the XML Schema files pointed by XML Sig v1.1 I have 
found the following:

1. At the so-called "driver" file, at 
http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core1/xmldsig1-schema.xsd, I have noticed 
the following include:


Please note that trying to retrieve a file from the URI within 
schemaLocation attribute results in a file not found error 
(404)....instead making a retrieve operation on 
results in the correct file.

2. At the xml schema file in 
http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core1/xmldsig11-schema.xsd, corresponding 
to the xml schema for types and elements within xmldsig11 namespace, the 
two first lines are:

<schema targetNamespace="http://www.w3.org/2009/xmldsig11#" 
version="0.1" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"/>

but the import element does not have the schemaLocation attribute that 
allows applications to automatically retrieve the xml schema defining 
types and elements for xmldsig namespace...shouldn't it be such a 
schemaLocation with a value 

Could you please confirm if you also see them as issues that could need 
to be fixed? and if so, could you please make an estimation on how and 
when they could be fixed?

Best regards

Juan Carlos.

Received on Monday, 8 June 2015 11:39:56 UTC