# XML Security Working Group Teleconference ## 25 Sep 2012 [Agenda][3] See also: [IRC log][4] ## Attendees Present Frederick_Hirsch, Bruce_Rich, Scott_Cantor, Chris_Solc, Hal_Lockhart, Pratik_Datta Regrets Chair Frederick_Hirsch Scribe fjh ## Contents * [Topics][5] 1. [Administrative items, announcements][6] 2. [Minutes Approval][7] 3. [PAG status][8] 4. [Editorial updates][9] 5. [1.1 Interop status][10] 6. [Publication planning][11] 7. [Action Review][12] 8. [Pending Actions][13] 9. [Other business][14] 10. [Adjourn][15] * [Summary of Action Items][16] * * * Date: 25 September 2012 ScribeNick: fjh ### Administrative items, announcements fjh: I have no announcements, any announcements none ### Minutes Approval Approve minutes from 18 September 2012 [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public- xmlsec/2012Sep/att-0028/minutes-2012-09-18.html][17] **RESOLUTION: Minutes from 18 September 2012 are approved** ### PAG status fjh: Looking forward to seeing PAG conclude its work. when this happens we should see announcement on XML Security public list ### Editorial updates fjh: I removed OCSPResponse from XML Signature 1.1 and 2.0 editors drafts, per ACTION-911. Also removed from the XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report, [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/2012Sep/0029.html][18] ... I Updated XML Signature 1.1 interop test report to include all test cases from wiki and email list: [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public- xmlsec/2012Sep/0030.html][19] and [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public- xmlsec/2012Sep/0031.html][20] ... Plan is publish FPWD of Interop test reports in conjunction with Last Call of spec, and then NOTE in conjunction with PR ### 1.1 Interop status fjh: XML Signature 1.1 interop is complete,XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report updated and complete; please review [http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/Drafts/xmldsig- core1-interop/Overview.src.html][21] ... XML Encryption 1.1 interop testing underway, Key Agreement Interop testing [http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/Drafts/xmlenc-core1-interop/Overview.src.html #sec-key-agreement][22] pdatta: interop is almost done, discovered and fixed some errors in the test cases ... one more set of testing underway to complete testing Only one test case left to interop - Microsoft needs to verify DH test case fjh: once this testing is done, we will be able to publish pdatta: all the test cases are in email, I will try to upload them today fjh: I would like to merge the XML Encryption 1.1 interop test cases and test report today; perhaps you can upload the test cases and send me the additional text to add to the document pdatta: that is ok fjh: Please, all review the XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 documents for correctness, as we plan to publish Last Call next week ... also please review the XML Signature 1.1 interop test case report, and XML Encryption 1.1 interop test report when noted on the list ### Publication planning proposed RESOLUTION: publish XML Signature 1.1 as another Last Call on 2 October (or later as required by w3c Team) with 3 week Last Call period proposed RESOLUTION: publish XML Encryption 1.1 as another Last Call on 2 October (or later as required by w3c Team) with 3 week Last Call period **RESOLUTION: publish XML Signature 1.1 as another Last Call on 2 October (or later as required by w3c Team) with 3 week Last Call period** and also **RESOLUTION: publish XML Encryption 1.1 as another Last Call on 2 October (or later as required by w3c Team) with 3 week Last Call period** **ACTION:** fjh to prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 for Last Call publication and make publication request [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action01][23]] Created ACTION-917 - Prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 for Last Call publication and make publication request [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2012-10-02]. proposed RESOLUTION: publish FPWD of NOTE track document, "XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report" on 2 October with shortname xmldsig-core1-interop proposed RESOLUTION: publish FPWD of NOTE track document, "XML Encryption 1.1 Interop Test Report" on 2 October with shortname xmlenc-core1-interop however currently encryption needs merge and update with latest test cases fjh: it is not essential to have the fpwd out in conjunction with the Last Call, but would prefer less overhead for the team and announcements etc ... this is with the understanding that wg can see the draft before publication, and comment on the list **RESOLUTION: publish FPWD of NOTE track document, "XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report" on 2 October with shortname xmldsig-core1-interop** and also **RESOLUTION: publish FPWD of NOTE track document, "XML Encryption 1.1 Interop Test Report" on 2 October with shortname xmlenc-core1-interop** **ACTION:** fjh to prepare for FPWD publication of "XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report" and "XML Encryption 1.1 Interop Test Report" [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action02][24]] Created ACTION-918 - Prepare for FPWD publication of "XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report" and "XML Encryption 1.1 Interop Test Report" [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2012-10-02]. **ACTION:** fjh to prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 functional explanation documents for publication [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action03][25]] Created ACTION-919 - Prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 functional explanation documents for publication [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2012-10-02]. ### Action Review ACTION-910? ACTION-910 -- Pratik Datta to update test cases document with new tests, [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public- xmlsec/2012Sep/0020.html][26] -- due 2012-09-18 -- OPEN [http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/track/actions/910][27] pdatta: plan to do this today ACTION-913? ACTION-913 -- Frederick Hirsch to merge XML Encryption 1.1 test case document into XML Encryption 1.1 interop test result document, once Pratik concludes updating XML Encryption 1.1 test case document (ACTION-910) -- due 2012-09-25 -- OPEN [http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/track/actions/913][28] fjh: will do this today ACTION-916? ACTION-916 -- Frederick Hirsch to outline timeline for completing 1.1 Rec and share with XML Security WG and PAG -- due 2012-09-25 -- OPEN [http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/track/actions/916][29] fjh: I have done this but will share summary once we have conclusion of PAG, to avoid confusion if there is a delay ... Basically we will have a 3 week last call of XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 then go with these and Signature Properties into a 4 week PR review ... NOTES require a much less formal process and should not be a problem, we can progress those as we are ready ### Pending Actions close ACTION-911 ACTION-911 Remove OCSPResponse element from XML Signature 1.1 and 2.0 as outlined in the CfC and also remove from the interop test report closed close ACTION-912 ACTION-912 Put XML Signature 1.1 test case material from wiki into XML Signature 1.1. interop test report closed close ACTION-914 ACTION-912 Put XML Signature 1.1 test case material from wiki into XML Signature 1.1. interop test report closed close ACTION-915 ACTION-914 Consult with XML Coordination Group to see if there is a community that would be interested in XML Security 2.0 and how to reach them closed ACTION-915 Bring up issue of XML maintenance at XML Coordination group closed fjh: Update of reference SP800-57 should be complete, git pull has happened. Will double check ### Other business fjh: Please review XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 to make sure there is nothing amiss ... Please review XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report, and also XML Encryption 1.1 Interop Test Report once it is updated ... next we will focus on the notes and 2.0 ### Adjourn ## Summary of Action Items **[NEW]** **ACTION:** fjh to prepare for FPWD publication of "XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report" and "XML Encryption 1.1 Interop Test Report" [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action02][24]] **[NEW]** **ACTION:** fjh to prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 for Last Call publication and make publication request [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action01][23]] **[NEW]** **ACTION:** fjh to prepare XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1 functional explanation documents for publication [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action03][25]] [End of minutes] * * * Minutes formatted by David Booth's [scribe.perl][30] version 1.135 ([CVS log][31]) $Date: 2009-03-02 03:52:20 $ [1]: http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home [2]: http://www.w3.org/ [3]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/2012Sep/0032.html [4]: http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-irc [5]: #agenda [6]: #item01 [7]: #item02 [8]: #item03 [9]: #item04 [10]: #item05 [11]: #item06 [12]: #item07 [13]: #item08 [14]: #item09 [15]: #item10 [16]: #ActionSummary [17]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public- xmlsec/2012Sep/att-0028/minutes-2012-09-18.html [18]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/2012Sep/0029.html [19]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/2012Sep/0030.html [20]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/2012Sep/0031.html [21]: http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/Drafts/xmldsig- core1-interop/Overview.src.html [22]: http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/Drafts/xmlenc- core1-interop/Overview.src.html#sec-key-agreement [23]: http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action01 [24]: http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action02 [25]: http://www.w3.org/2012/09/25-xmlsec-minutes.html#action03 [26]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/2012Sep/0020.html [27]: http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/track/actions/910 [28]: http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/track/actions/913 [29]: http://www.w3.org/2008/xmlsec/track/actions/916 [30]: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm [31]: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/