Proposed Resolution for "Confusing schema fragment in Encryption 1.1"


I've entered your concern about the clarity regarding schema in the XML Encryption 1.1 Last Call for the MGF addition as Last Call comment LC-2581,

To address this concern,  I've updated the  XML Encryption 1.1 editor's draft RSA-OAEP section 5.5.2,

to contain the following:


The XML Encryption 1.0 schema definition and description for the EncryptionMethod element is in section 3.2 The EncryptionMethod Element<>. The following shows the XML Encryption 1.1 addition for the MGF type:

Schema Definition:

    <element name="MGF" type="xenc11:MGFType"/>
    <complexType name="MGFType">
        <restriction base="xenc11:AlgorithmIdentifierType">
          <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required" />


instead of the original that was less clear:


Schema Definition:
    <!-- use these element types as children of EncryptionMethod
      when used with RSA-OAEP -->
    <element name="OAEPparams" minOccurs="0" type="base64Binary"/>
    <element ref="ds:DigestMethod" minOccurs="0"/>
    <element name="MGF" type="xenc11:MGFType"/>
    <complexType name="MGFType">
        <restriction base="xenc11:AlgorithmIdentifierType">
          <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required" />


Makoto, Scott: Does this resolve the issue?

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Jan 16, 2012, at 1:50 PM, ext Cantor, Scott wrote:

On 1/16/12 10:58 AM, "<>"
<<>> wrote:

Is this what you are saying?

No, see below.

I don't think there is a problem with the xenc 1.1 schema file itself, as
MGF is defined as a stand-alone type in the xenc11 namespace.  Do you see
a problem with the 1.1 schema file (attached)?

No, I think the issue is with the way the fragment is laid out inside the

The document also highlights the schema definition in 5.5.2:
Schema Definition:
  <!-- use these element types as children of EncryptionMethod
when used with RSA-OAEP -->
  <element name="OAEPparams" minOccurs="0" type="base64Binary"/>
  <element ref="ds:DigestMethod" minOccurs="0"/>
  <element name="MGF" type="xenc11:MGFType"/>

This isn't really a normative schema, and I think that's the problem here.
It's presented in a questionable way because it's trying to show the
content model that is imposed by the text, but there is no actual schema
enforcing this. And as it stands, it's misrepresenting the MGF and
OAEPparams elements because it's giving them both "names" in the same
default namespace.

Basically you can't informally present things like this without running
into problems.

At the very least, it shouldn't be called a "Schema". I'm not sure what
can really be done here, but at a minimum you'd have to maybe split the
schema fragments being presented in the two separate schemas. Personally,
I would just use prose to describe the element content, and then maybe
just show the schema for the new element being defined here, the MGF.

-- Scott

Received on Monday, 16 January 2012 23:00:55 UTC