open Review xml signature 2.0 Frederick Hirsch 2010-08-18 XML Signature 2.0 ACTION-538 Provide proposal related to namespace wrapping attacks once XPath profile available Meiko Jensen ACTION-619 Review Meiko proposal for ACTION-538 Ed Simon ACTION-680 Add proposal to document, with clarification regarding double quotes and still allowing approach #3, Pratik Datta ACTION-692 Add editorial note to c142 indicated only exclusive Pratik Datta ACTION-717 Document the Performance improvements with 2.0 Pratik Datta ACTION-729 Highlight potential issue with non-support for xml:base through removal of inclusive in xml signature and c14n2 drafts Pratik Datta ACTION-732 Add example to signature 2.0 once Meiko shares text on list, see ACTION-711 Frederick Hirsch ACTION-747 Update XPath profile for Option 1 in proposal associated with ACTION-737 Pratik Datta ACTION-748 Update XML Signature 2.0 for Option 1 as proposed for ACTION-737 Scott Cantor ACTION-750 Implement change to schema and document for Verification element proposal as noted in message 47 for ACTION-741 Scott Cantor ACTION-751 Implement change for ACTION-742 Scott Cantor ACTION-753 Work on creating 2.0 example for Signature 2.0 Scott Cantor 5d) Status of 2.0 related issues (Frederick) 6) Close Pending actions These will be closed after the meeting unless concern raised before or during meeting. Please review in advance of meeting. ACTION-728 Send summary of differences of xslt and xml security streamability and XPath profiling to list Pratik Datta ACTION-746 Implement 2.0 mode name change Frederick Hirsch ACTION-749 Create conformance section and move 6.1 material to it Frederick Hirsch ACTION-752 Implement change to move compatibility material to new section Frederick Hirsch ACTION-754 Add new section in 2.0 requirements regarding rational for new XPath profile based on Pratik's proposal ==== 7) Other Business 8) Adjourn Scribing list ---------------- Pratik Datta, Oracle (27 July 2010, 20 October 2009) Hal Lockhart, Oracle (17 August 2010, 2 February 2010, 27 October 2009) Thomas Roessler (31 August 2010, 4 May, 2010, 20 April 2010) Magnus Nyström, Microsoft (7 Sept 2010, 27 April, 2010, 2 June, 2009) Chris Solc, Adobe (14 Sept 2010, 26 January 2010, 8 December 2009) Shivaram Mysore, Invited Expert (28 Sept 2010, 7 Sept 2010, 6 November 2009 F2F, 23 June 2009) Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft (19 October 2010, 25 May 2010, 6 November 2009 F2F) Scott Cantor, invited expert (19 October 2010, 31 August 2010, 1 June 2010, 24 Nov 2009) Meiko Jensen (2 November 2010 F2F, 21 Sept 2010, 11 May, 2010) Bruce Rich, IBM (1 & 2 November 2010 F2F, 30 March 2010) Cynthia Martin, MITRE (30 November 2010, 26 October 2010, 6 July 2010, 2 March 2010) Ed Simon, Invited Expert (7 December 2010, 15 June 2010, 25 January 2010) Gerald Edgar, Boeing (14 December 2010, 16 November 2010, 10 August 2010, 22 June 2010, 13 April 2010) Not seen recently: Bradley Hill, Invited Expert (14 July 2009) John Wray, IBM (15 Dec 2009, 1 Sept 2009) Sean Mullan, Oracle (12 January 2010, 6 October 2009) Aldrin d'Souza, EMC (9 Feb 2010) Karel Wouters IBBT, (9 March 2010) Logistics Info: 10-12:00 am Eastern Time Information on meeting times in various time zones: Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 conference code 965732# ('XMLSEC') IRC Chat: (port 6665), #xmlsec Web-based IRC (member-only): Please note that attendance of XMLSEC WG teleconferences is restricted to registered WG participants and persons invited by the chair. Scribe Instructions: --- regards, Frederick Frederick Hirsch, Nokia Chair XML Security WG