Wrapping up ISSUE-141 (ACTION-440)

After puzzling a bit about what on earth ISSUE-141 is supposed to mean, I believe that the appropriate resolution is an erratum against C14N 1.1 along the lines of what Ed proposed in this message:


I'll note that this is a mere clarification.

The erratum could be:

> E11-02: Clarification of processing model
> <dl>
> <dt>Added:</dt><dd>@@</dd>
> <dt>Accepted:</dt><dd>@@</dd>
> <dt>Raised:</dt><dd>http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/2009Jul/0067.html</dd>
> <dt>Class:</dt><dd>editorial</dd>
> <dt>Affects conformance:</dt><dd>no</dd>
> <p>The first sentence of the second paragraph of <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n11/#DataModel">section 2.1</a> is changed from:</p>
> <blockquote>
> The first parameter of input to the XML canonicalization method is either an XPath node-set or an octet stream containing a well-formed XML document. 
> </blockquote>
> <p>to:</p>
> <blockquote>
> The first parameter of input to the XML canonicalization method is
> either an octet stream or an XPath node-set. If it is an octet stream,
> the octet stream must contain a well-formed XML document.
> </blockquote>

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <tlr@w3.org>

Received on Monday, 7 December 2009 14:13:51 UTC