W3C charters XML Security Working Group


the W3C has chartered a new XML Security Working Group:


The Group is tasked to take next steps with the XML Signature and XML  
Encryption family of specifications, as discussed at the
workshop last September:


If you're interested in this work and work for a W3C member  
organization, please contact your Advisory Committee Representative  
regarding participation (instructions are at http://www.w3.org/ 
2004/01/pp-impl/42458/instructions )

If you're interested, but don't work for a W3C member  
organization,please contact Thomas Roessler (W3 team contact) and  

Please note that the WG will be having a F2F in Barcelona 16-17 July  
2008, so if interested in participating you will need to make  
arrangements for that F2F fairly soon upon joining the WG.


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security WG

Received on Monday, 2 June 2008 14:10:35 UTC