Possible bugs

I'd be grateful for a response on the possible bugs in the XML 
conformance test suite listed below.

Possible bug 1

The base URI for one group of tests in xmlconf.xml is incorrect.

The following:

<TESTCASES xml:base="eduni/namespaces/misc/">

should be:

<TESTCASES xml:base="eduni/misc/">

Possible Bug 2

Test "rmt-e3e-13" is marked as TYPE="invalid".  According to the 

'Non-validating parsers must also accept "invalid" testcases,  but 
validating ones must reject them.'


1.  A validating parser will reject E13.xml (below) as invalid.
2.  A non-validating parser will accept E13.xml (below) as well- formed XML.

However the comment for this test case

<TEST RECOMMENDATION="XML1.0-errata3e" SECTIONS="E13" URI="E13.xml" 
ID="rmt-e3e-13" TYPE="invalid">
Even internal parameter entity references are enough to make undeclared
entities into mere validity errors rather than well-formedness errors.

indicates that

1.  A validating parser will reject E13.xml as invalid due to the 
undeclared entity ent2.
2.  A non-validating parser will reject E13.xml as not well formed due 
to the undeclared entity ent2.

If I'm not mistaken, this doesn't match the intent of TYPE="invalid".


<!-- Even internal parameter entity references are enough to make 
undeclared entities into mere validity errors rather than 
well-formedness errors. -->
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY % pe "<!ENTITY ent1 'text'>">

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2013 16:40:27 UTC