I think I found a possible ambiguity in the XML TS FAQ:

In the document:
URI = http://www.w3.org/XML/Test/xmlfaq.htm#what
> What does XML TS stand for?
> The XML TS is a set of discrete tests for the Extensible Markup Language
> Recommendation (Second Edition).
> Return to Top

That statement describes what the XML TS is, it does not explain what the
acronym stands for.  The correct response should be:

] What does XML TS stand for?
] The XML TS stands for eXtensible Markup Language Test Suites. It is a set of
] discrete tests for the Extensible Markup Language Recommendation (Second
] Edition).
] Return to Top

Hope that helps whoever is interested... :-)

Jimmy Cerra

"my mind is slipping away...
                   ...day by glorious day"
Robin Gorkin

Received on Friday, 14 June 2002 16:39:15 UTC