Fwd: Re: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2002 March 27

This is the e-mail I sent to Glenn last week.


>Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 14:56:07 -0500
>To: "Glenn Marcy" <gmarcy@us.ibm.com>
>From: Sandra Martinez <sandra.martinez@nist.gov>
>Subject: Re: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2002 March 27
>         In relation to the unresolved issues;
>         On TS15, Can you help me with this one?  I am not sure on how to 
> proceed with the instruction of removing the non-deterministic content 
> models. I understand what a not-deterministic content models means but I 
> do not know what exactly to remove and  how is going to affect the rest 
> of the document, especially in the dtdtest.dtd.
>         On TS18, I am not sure how the original test looked like I have 
> an old version and they look the same to me. I just sent Paul  an updated 
> version of the issues table with a pointer to the original e-mail. 
> Hopefully you can get a better understanding of the issue with the 
> original e-mail.
>         On TS14, I added "the update of cxml.html recommendation"  under 
> the deferred status in the issues table.
>         I already made the changes, in my working copy,  you recommended 
> on issue TS16.  If we can get TS15 done and Ts18 the test suite will be 
> ready to published. I am ready to place these issues on countdown, except 
> for TS18. What do you think?
>Thank you, very much!!!
>At 01:49 PM 3/25/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>> > ACTION to Glenn:  Send email on remaining issues with suggested
>> > resolutions.
>>   Japanese test are intended to test encoding and japanese character.
>>   There is a declaration for <!ENTITY lt "<"> is totally not useful
>>   in the scope of the test intention.  And they  are already in the
>>   XMLTEST suite.
>>Resolution to remove the offending declaration.  Action to also
>>note that a future test case should be created to test that parsers
>>reject such declarations as not well-formed.  (BTW, what is the
>>process for us to track requests for future tests that are not
>>targeted for this next release of the suite?)
>>   Output file has PI before the DTD (wrong per SUN canonical form
>>   definition)-  Not yet updated.The only definition for the Sun
>>   canonical form that I have found is the one packaged with the
>>   conformance tests.  This is labelled "Draft 1" and does, as you
>>   state, indicate that the DTD should appear first.   The link to
>>   the online document is broken.  I wonder if all of the current
>>   implementations currently emit PIs in the order (relative to the
>>   DTD) that they appear (as ours does).
>>Propose to leave this as is and update cxml.html to conform to existing
>>practice.  As observed, implementations of the test harness emit the
>>DOCTYPE immediately before the root element, which would cause it to
>>follow any PIs before the root element.  There is nothing to be gained
>>at this point by declaring those implementations as not conforming to a
>>non-standard "specification" of a canonical form.
>>   <test names omitted> contain non-deterministic content models.
>>Proposed resolution to remove those content models is acceptable.
>>   Related to normalization of attribute values. The canonical output of
>>   the attribute "nmtokens" is wrong as it is missing a space (#x20)
>>   character.
>>   There has been some confusion about the validity of tokens separated
>>   by character references to whitespace (which depends on the definitions
>>   of Names and Nmtokens).  They were outlawed by first edition erratum 62,
>>   which was reversed by erratum 108 (apparently) because of a
>>   misunderstanding) and have been outlawed again by second editions erratum
>>   20.  The end result is that there examples are not valid and should
>>   therefore not have any canonical output!
>>Since these tests are supposed to be used for valid standalone document
>>tests, and not for finding errors with invalid character referenced in
>>attribute values, the character reference &#x20; should simply be removed
>>from "nmtokens" attribute.
>>   xmltest/not-wf/sa/176.xml
>>   xmltest/valid/sa/093.xml
>>   Input files changed line-ends.
>>Not sure what this is referring to, unless it is just another simple
>>problem with
>>EOL handling w.r.t. CVS.  If there is a "historical" version of these
>>files, say
>>from an earlier release of the suite, that was identical except for line
>>ends, I
>>would agree that we should not be arbrarily changing such files.
>Sandra I. Martinez
>National Institute of Standards and Technology
>100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970,
>Gaithersburg, Md. 20899
>(301) 975-3579

Sandra I. Martinez
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970,
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899

(301) 975-3579

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2002 11:33:44 UTC