question regarding test case msData/wildcards/wildZ006


test case wildZ006 is supposed to check the ##other namespace

<xsd:schema xmlns="urn:target" xmlns:xsd="" 
		      version="1.0"  targetNamespace="urn:target" 

	<xsd:element name="foo">
				<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" maxOccurs="100"/>

so the schema says that <foo> can contain any element that is not in 
namespace "urn:target".

The instance document is defined like that:
<target:foo xmlns:target="urn:target">

as far as I can see, <bar> has an absent namespace, so it is not 
in "urn:target"... why is that test case marked as false then?

Is there a special rule for the absent namespace? Or is the real error that 
<bar> is not defined in the schema? (according to the spec it should be valid 
for processContents="lax").


Received on Tuesday, 30 December 2008 08:44:23 UTC