Question about the various Test Suite archives

Hi All,

There seems to be some overlap between two archives for the XML Schema
Test Suites found at difference location on the W3C web site:

	This file seems to include tests for both data types and
structural 	components.

	This file seems to include only the files for the structural

So is there a significant (or any) difference regarding these tests for
the structural components in the two archives?  Which archive should I
be using to conduct tests?  And since the tests for structural
components are found only under the Microsoft directories, does this
mean that they are Microsoft specific, or can they be used with any
processor?  The gist of that last question is whether Microsoft has a
unique interpretation, and hence implementation, of any XSD schema
structural constructs?

I need a test suite that provides tests for complex structural
relationships within XSD files.  Structural relationships include type
complexity for xsd definitions such as simpleType, complexType, group,
attributeGroup, etc.  I don't know if the W3C XML TS files really
provide adequate complexity for structural relationships, so some
feedback here would be very appreciated.

Thanks for any help,

Elisha Berns
tel. (310) 556 - 8332
fax (310) 556 - 2839

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2005 18:21:44 UTC