Interesting point from this morning

I understood someone (who?) to say something along the lines of:  "I'd
like an API I could use to get a pipeline built".

That happens to fit pretty well with the way I've been trying to address
the 'abstract semantics' problem.  And at lunch today, where I ended up
with Mohamed, Romain, Florent and John Snelson, we had a useful
discussion about possible language architectures, i.e. how many
languages do we have, and what's their relationship.

We came up with at least the following possibilities:

 1) The XML syntax defines the language, there is a read-only textual

 2) The XML syntax defines the language, there is an executable textual
    syntax, but it's not normative nor is support required for
    conformance (this was asserted to be the RNG/RNC story);

 3) The compact syntax is normative, it maps to an XML language which
    defines the semantics but is not optimised for human-readability
    (this could be sort of Vnext as we had been working towards it,
    perhaps w/o (much) defaulting);

 4) The compact syntax is normative, it maps to a set of logical
    assertions/object creation calls which defines the semantics, and
    which in turn has an XML syntax (what I think I heard from the

Wrt the very preliminary way I've been going about this, here's what (4)
would look like for a trivial example:

s1 == StepImpl(p:load,uri="somedoc.xml")
s2 == StepImpl(p:data,type="application/xml",data="<d colour="pink">")
s3 == StepImpl(p:set-attributes,match="//*[@colour='red']")
s4 == StepImpl(p:serialize)
p1 == Pipe(s1.result,s3.source)
p2 == Pipe(s2.result,s3.attributes) 
p3 == Pipe(s3.result,s4.source)

The XML for this is left as an exercise for the reader.

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
                Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail:
 [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged spam]

Received on Thursday, 11 February 2016 14:32:23 UTC