Actions divided by spec

I'm not sure I see a clear order of priority in these groups. But here,
anyway, is an attempt to divide them into spec-related and step-related


A-267-02: Norm to add function import to the language spec by
          overloading p:import.

A-263-01: Alex to consider the requirements for making it easy for
          pipelines to talk to web APIs that use common encryption patterns
          (e.g., OAuth2)

A-266-01: Alex to update issue 138 with an outline of what needs to be
          covered by a proposal to make the functions more broadly available

A-268-03: Norm to rewrite the proposal, “p:filter has only a select
          attribute, only does positive selection, and can be on p:input as a
          filter attribute as a syntactic shortcut.”

A-271-01: Norm to draft support for an encoding parameter on
          override-content-type on p:http-request requests.

A-265-02: Jim to attempt to describe a minimally interoperable error
          format for a standard error port.


A-241-05: Alex to describe use cases for RDF support that require the
          ability to go back and forth from the triples to the documents.

A-263-01: Norm to ask Frederick Hirsh for help with the encryption
          implementation parts

A-268-01: Norm to attempt to clarify p:cast-content-type

A-269-01: Alex to review the RDF Shapes work and see if this
          validation step will cover that use case.

A-269-02: Norm to review the current state of play wrt to JSON schema
          and see if we can cover that use case too.

A-269-04: Norm to define the validation-attempted output format and
          propose a non-normative report structure

A-269-05: Norm to make sure there's a "Validation with Schematron" section.

A-269-06: Henry to review the current p:validate-with-xml-schema step
          and see what we should possibly say differently

A-267-01: Norm to move p:sort into the steps specification.

Overtaken by events?

A-235-01: Alex to provide a use case for user-defined extension
          functions in XProc

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676

Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2015 15:03:05 UTC