Step Categories

Here is my first cut of the step inventory categorization for my
action item.  I've take this from information that was sent to me,
source code, and documentation online [1].  I did not include the
general categories we had on the wiki [2].  Those categories were
"Sorting", "Validation with Error", "Map-reduce", "Iterate until
condition", "Dynamic Pipeline Execution", "Long-form Viewport", and


7.1.1 p:add-attribute
7.1.2 p:add-xml-base
7.1.5 p:delete
7.1.12 p:insert
7.1.13 p:label-elements
7.1.15 p:make-absolute-uris
7.1.16 p:namespace-rename
7.1.19 p:rename
7.1.20 p:replace
7.1.21 p:set-attributes
7.1.25 p:string-replace
7.1.27 p:unwrap
7.1.28 p:wrap
cx:namespace-delete (calabash)


7.1.30 p:xinclude
7.1.31 p:xslt
p:template (note)


7.2.9 p:xquery
ml:adhoc-query (calabash)
ml:insert-document (calabash)
ml:invoke-module (calabash)


7.2.4 p:validate-with-relax-ng
7.2.5 p:validate-with-schematron
7.2.6 p:validate-with-xml-schema
cx:nvdl (calabash)

Document Operations

7.1.3 p:compare
7.1.4 p:count
7.1.11 p:identity
7.1.9 p:filter
7.2.2 p:hash
7.2.10 p:xsl-formatter
cx:delta-xml (calabash)
cx:pretty-print (calabash)
cx:css-formatter (calabash)
cxu:compare (calabash)
emx:get-base-uri (emc)

File & Directory Operations

7.1.6 p:directory-list
cx:zip (calabash)
cx:unzip (calabash)
cxf:info (calabash)
cxf:delete (calabash)
cxf:mkdir (calabash)
cxf:copy (calabash)
cxf:move (calabash)
cxf:touch (calabash)
cxf:tempfile (calabash)
cxf:head (calabash)
cxf:tail (calabash)

Image Operations

cx:metadata-extractor (calabash)

Error / Message Handling

7.1.7 p:error
cx:message (calabash)
emx:message (emc)

Sequence Operations

7.1.17 p:pack
7.1.23 p:split-sequence
7.1.29 p:wrap-sequence

Input / Output

7.1.10 p:http-request
7.1.14 p:load
7.1.22 p:sink
7.1.24 p:store
cx:uri-info (calabash)
emx:fetch (emc)

XProc Operations

7.1.18 p:parameters
p:in-scope-names (note)
cx:eval (calabash)
cx:report-errors (calabash)
emx:eval (emc)


7.1.8 p:escape-markup
7.1.26 p:unescape-markup
7.2.7 p:www-form-urldecode
7.2.8 p:www-form-urlencode

Execution Control

7.2.1 p:exec

Resource / Collection Management

cx:collection-manager (calabash)


cx:java-properties (calabash)
cxo:info (calabash)
cxo:cwd (calabash)
cxo:env (calabash)


7.2.3 p:uuid
cx:get-cookies (calabash)
cx:set-cookies (calabash)
cx:send-mail (calabash)


--Alex Milowski
"The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language

Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2012 00:01:47 UTC