[Alexandra Lavirotte] Registration for TPAC2010 is now Open


From: Alexandra Lavirotte <alex@w3.org>
To: "chairs@w3.org" <chairs@w3.org>, "w3c-ac-members@w3.org"
	<w3c-ac-members@w3.org>, "ab@w3.org" <ab@w3.org>, "tag@w3.org" <tag@w3.org>
CC: "w3t@w3.org" <w3t@w3.org>
Sender: "chairs-request@w3.org" <chairs-request@w3.org>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 08:54:05 -0700
Subject: Registration for TPAC2010 is now Open
Message-ID: <4C125C1D.9090401@w3.org>

Dear Advisory Committee Representatives, Chairs, AB, and TAG Members,

Registration for TPAC2010 is now open (until 22 October):

  TPAC 2010
  1-5 November
  Lyon, France

We invite you to:

  (1) review the week calendar and schedule for group meetings:

  (2) register (more below):

  (3) make your hotel reservation (more below):

Chairs, please forward this information to participants in your groups.

Advisory Committee representatives, please see below for information 
about changes to the AC meeting structure.

If you have any questions, please contact Alexandra Lavirotte 
<alex@w3.org>. We look forward to seeing you in November.

Alexandra Lavirotte

On registration and registration fees

There is a daily registration fee to offset meeting costs. The fee goes 
up for those who have not registered by 22 October.

As in the past, registration is a two-step process:

   1) completing a registration form:

   2) using a payment system:

A lot more information about registration fees, the payment system,
and other relevant information is available on the TPAC 2010 home page:

On accommodations: please reserve your room early

We have not reserved a block of rooms for this meeting, however we have 
negotiated a discount rate at one of the hotels.  Though there are 
several hotels convenient to the meeting location, we strongly recommend 
that you reserve your rooms early in order to be able to take advantage 
of this discount. (for example, before September).

For more information about accommodations, see:

On changes to the AC Meeting structure

As you know, five task forces convened by the CEO are working on 
presentations and plan to present proposals during TPAC 2010. We expect 
this to be a significant opportunity for the Membership to participate 
in strategic discussions and therefore plan two changes to the AC 
meeting structure compared to TPAC 2009:

    1. The AC meeting would begin Tuesday early afternoon rather than 
Tuesday evening.
    2. The week before TPAC, we would hold a briefing teleconference so 
that (1) more people can attend, (2) people can hold internal 
discussions to help prepare for more efficient face-to-face time, and 
(3) to expose any issues that require task force clarification before 
the AC meeting.

In the registration form, we ask for your feedback on the idea of a 
remote briefing.

Received on Friday, 11 June 2010 19:23:51 UTC