XML Schema Error

Some errors from Xerces

Another point is that the Schema doesn't use p:with-option and p:with-param

SystemID: C:\Users\MoZ\Desktop\xml\xproc.xsd
Endroit: 12:18
Description: src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'xml:id' to a(n)
'attribute declaration' component.
URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#src-resolve

SystemID: C:\Users\MoZ\Desktop\xml\xproc.xsd
Endroit: 12:4
Description: s4s-elt-invalid-content.1: The content of 'anyProc' is
invalid.  Element 'attribute' is invalid, misplaced, or occurs too often.

SystemID: C:\Users\MoZ\Desktop\xml\xproc.xsd
Endroit: 82:37
Description: derivation-ok-restriction.4.2: Error for type
'atomicStepType'.  The wildcard in the derivation is not a valid wildcard
subset of the one in the base.
URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#derivation-ok-restriction

SystemID: C:\Users\MoZ\Desktop\xml\xproc.xsd
Endroit: 65:77
Description: e-props-correct.4: The {type definition} of element
'atomicStep' is not validly derived from the {type definition} of the
substitutionHead 'p:step', or the {substitution group exclusions} property
of 'p:step' does not allow this derivation.
URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#e-props-correct


Innovimax SARL
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Received on Thursday, 1 May 2008 20:35:34 UTC