Re: exclude-inline-prefixes or ignore-inline-prefixes?

/ was heard to say:
|> In the spec, nothing is said about p:pipeline/@exclude-inline-prefixes
|> and p:declare-step/@exclude-inline-prefixes
|> I have trouble especially for this
|> <p:pipeline exclude-inline-prefixes="#all">
|>     ....
|>      <p:group xmlns:d="my-new-namespace">
|>          ....
|>          <p:inline>
|>             <d:root/>
|>          </p:inline>
|>          ....
|>      </p:group>
|>      ....
|> </p:pipeline>
|> Is the document inside p:inline correct ?
| I think that it is correct, and the document inside p:inline will
| become:
| <d:root xmlns:d="my-new-namespace"/>
| This is at least would happens in XSLT, I think.

I think that's right. Excluding prefixes can't cause a document to become
not namespace-well-formed because namespace fixup will put them back if
they're needed.

Note, however, that this might be a problem:

 <p:pipeline exclude-inline-prefixes="#all">
      <p:group xmlns:d="my-new-namespace">
             <root name="d:foo"/>

Namespace fixup won't "see" the use of d:foo in an attribute *value*
as significant. So you'll get

  <root name="d:foo"/>

and if you needed the binding for d:, you're hosed.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The common excuse of those who bring            | misfortune on others is that they
                              | desire their good.-- Vauvenargues

Received on Thursday, 7 August 2008 12:30:33 UTC