Re: p:label-elements builtin

On 9/3/07, Henry S. Thompson <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Some small changes would make this a _much_ more useful step:
>  1) Add an 'attribute' option, default value 'xml:id';


>  2) Generate sequential integers, and default the 'prefix' option to
>     '_';

I find "integer" very limitative. It should be
"implementation-defined" as generate-id()

>  3) Remove the 'must detect duplicates' error.

I agree.

May I propose to have a component for that

<p:declare-step type="p:detect-duplicates">
     <p:input port="source"/>
     <p:output port="result" primary="false"/>
     <p:option name="fail-if-duplicates" value="false"/>
     <p:option name="select"/>

which will evaluate sequentially the nodes given with the select expression

> That way, I can use this to generate XSDL-style keys, or keys for
> stylesheets, etc., and people who don't want to be constrained to
> NCNames don't have to be.
> Removing the error is much less of a big deal than it might at first
> appear -- in its current form it doesn't guarantee no duplicates, and
> people using this to fill gaps in a set of partially-labelled
> documents will expect to use a prefix and/or suffix to avoid
> collisions.
> I request discussion on this to be limited to 5 minutes, followed by
> an up/down vote.


Need to be fixed by email

> ht
> - --
>  Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
>                      Half-time member of W3C Team
>     2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
>             Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail:
>                    URL:
> [mail really from me _always_ has this .sig -- mail without it is forged spam]
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Received on Monday, 3 September 2007 16:17:25 UTC