Re: Wrapping of nodes into a document

On 10/3/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> / Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
> |> And I think the answer then is yes. If the for-each doesn't have a
> |> select expression, then the whole document, PIs, comments, and all
> |> goes through.
> |
> | Thanks Norm, that's where I was going, so in this case, your proposal seems
> | to propose different behavior for (NO @select)  and for  (@select="/")
> | Is this intended ?
> No. Sorry. I think
>   <p:for-each>
>      ...
> and
>   <p:for-each select="/">
you mean
  <p:iteration-source select="/">

>     ...
> are indistinguishable. The former selects all the documents that appear
> on the input source; the second selects...all the documents that appear
> on the input source.

Ok ! hope the verbing will be sufficienlty clear for that

Innovimax SARL
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Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 12:40:02 UTC