Re: XPath version

On Nov 15, 2007 4:14 PM, Henry S. Thompson <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Norman Walsh writes:
> > 10. We add a p:xpath-version system property that returns the highest
> > version of XPath support that the implementation provides.
> Hmm, not really good enough if I want to know if native support for
> XPath 1.0 is available. . .
> Not sure what the right thing to do is -- p:xpath-versions, value a
> space-separated (not ideal, can lead to false positives) or
> space-bounded (e.g. " 1.0 2.0 " -- not ideal, as people will just
> think we've made a mistake unless we explain at length :-( ?

isn't just the difference something like concat(' ', @p:xpath-versions, ' ') ?


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Received on Thursday, 15 November 2007 15:21:56 UTC