Re: Types for Option Values

/ Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
| Alex Milowski wrote:
|> It would certainly be nice for the p:option to have some declaration
|> of the type value to assist tools in authoring option values or debugging
|> pipelines.
|> A simple proposal would be to allow an optional 'type' attribute on
|> p:option element that has a QName value.   That identifies a type name
|> that may or may not be known by a pipeline processor.
| I'd really rather not do this (in v1 at least). Options should have
| string value and nothing else.

I'm with Jeni on this one. The best we could do, if we did allow types,
is 'number', 'string', or 'boolean'.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Science is a way of talking about the            | universe in words that bind it to a
                              | common reality. Magic is a method of
                              | talking to the universe in words that
                              | it cannot ignore. The two are rarely
                              | compatible.--Neil Gaiman

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 11:19:40 UTC